
wooden bowl
December 14, 2020
Visitors to the Library may recall a magnificent sugar maple that stood in front of the historic barn as one drove onto the property, providing much-appreciated shade to the...
picnic table on a patio
December 14, 2020
Since its founding in the early 1990s, the Lewis Walpole Library Fellowship program has developed a reputation as one of the most desirable, short-term research residencies...
December 14, 2020
Although for many of us there is nothing like connecting with colleagues face to face, the changes brought about by the pandemic and subsequent stay-at-home orders have...
December 14, 2020
When the COVID-19 pandemic suddenly caused the Lewis Walpole Library staff to begin working from home in mid-March, some quick figuring was called for. Archivist Sandra...
August 14, 2020
Be sure to check out the latest LWL newsletter . 
August 11, 2020
While nothing can replace the experience of working with archival material directly, we wanted to do everything we could to help our patrons continue their research during...
August 4, 2020
Greetings to all from the Lewis Walpole Library. LWL’s summer Newsletter generally offers highlights of recent library activities, as well as a preview of key events and...