Visiting Fellows and Travel Grant Recipients: 2021-2022
Yale Graduate Student Summer Fellows
Theodore Delwiche, Department of History, Mastering the Manuscript: Shorthand in the Early Modern Atlantic World
Michaela Haffner, Department of the History of Art, Air, Water, Sun, and Citrus: The Visual Culture of Naturopathic Cures & the Fashioning of White Wellness
Alycia Hall, African American Studies and History, Strategic Ties: Family, Land and Plantation Connections In Maroon Jamaica
Teanu Reid, History and African American Studies, Hidden Economies and Finances in the Early Anglo-Atlantic World
Charles A. Ryskamp Travel Grant for Undergraduates
Gabrielle Sevillano, History department, British Creole Caricature and the Culture Politics of Effeminacy in the Age of Abolition.