For the first time in 176 years, pieces from Horace Walpole’s collection return to Strawberry Hill house in Twickenham, along the banks of the Thames west of London, England. The LWL has hosted curators from Strawberry Hill as Fellows in Farmington to research Walpole’s collection and pick up where Lewis and LWL curators have left off on tracking down the lost and not-so-lost treasures with which Walpole filled his “little gothic villa” and which were dispersed at auction in 1842. Nearly 30 pieces of the LWL’s Walpoliana are now on loan to Strawberry Hill for four months. The LWL is proud to be associated with this exhibition which will be on view at Strawberry Hill house from 20 October 2018 through 24 February 2019. For more details see https://www.strawberryhillhouse.org.uk/losttreasures/